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In “safe&sound”, six performers constitute an environment that continuously falls into and out of rhythm. Merging dance, gesture, voice, and objects, the performers immerse themselves in a percussive play of resisting and giving in to the wish to sync, as imagined cultures and echoes of familiar worlds appear and dissolve. Through an exploration of rhythm elements as loops, polyrhythm, linear and cyclical time, the choreography gives form to questions of belonging, freedom, and collective decision making, asserting rhythm as a social and political tool. 

Choreography & Concept : Lee Méir 

With: Cajsa Godée, Dessa Ganda, Eli Cohen, emeka ene, Marie-Lena Kaiser/ Cary Shiu, Willie Stark 

Voice Coach & Musical Dramaturgy : Alessio Castellacci

Dramaturgy : Lidy Mouw 

Light: Gretchen Blegen, Catalina Fernández

Costume Collaboration: Saskia Schoenmaker, Ruby Willson

Stage Advice: Valentina Primavera 

Production Management : Saskia Schoenmaker, Annett Hardegen 

A production by Lee Méir co-produced by HAU Hebbel am Ufer. 

Supported by PACT Zollverein and funded by HKF - Capital Cultural Fund.

The 2023 performances at Radialsystem are supported by the Berlin Senate for Cultural Affairs. 

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